28 November 2018 Current Affairs Quiz

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28 November 2018 Current Affairs Quiz
28 November 2018 Current Affairs Quiz

1) Nageshwara Rao Guntur appointed as Chairperson of Which Indian Regulatory Body?
B) Directorate General of Shipping
Answer: C
2) WhatsApp’s Chief Business Officer Who has resigned?
A) Neeraj Arora
B) Jan Koum
C) Michael Jordaan
D) None of the above
Answer: A
3) First-ever India Russia Strategic Economic Dialogue held in which City?
A) Moscow
B) Yekaterinburg
C) Kazan
D) St. Petersburg
Answer: D
4) Which State won cadaveric organ donation award for 4th time?
A) Andhra Pradesh
B) Tamil Nadu
C) Chhattisgarh
D) Delhi
Answer: B
5) Who ranked top in the list of ‘Fortune India’s 50 Most Powerful Women’ in business’ this year?
A) Suneeta Reddy
B) Zia Mody
C) Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
D) Gauri Khan
Answer: D
6) ISRO to launch hi-tech imaging satellite with 30 foreign satellites from Which State?
A) Bihar
B) Madhya Pradesh
C) Andhra Pradesh
D) Maharashtra
Answer: C
7) Mandatory Hedging cut to how many from 100% for Foreign Loans?
A) 70
B) 80
C) 90
D) 60
Answer: A
8) Which Country wins the 2018 Davis Cup, beating France 3-1?
A) Montenegro
B) Bulgaria
C) Croatia
D) Albania
Answer: C

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